PETA to Challenge Revlon’s Tests on Animals at Annual Meeting
PETA will attend the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Revlon, Inc., on Thursday, June 6, 2013, at the Revlon Research Center in Edison, New Jersey, to ask the company to end sales in China, where tests on animals are required for cosmetics products.
When the meeting is opened to questions from the floor, Amanda Nordstrom, a research associate with PETA’s Laboratory Investigations Department, will make the following statement:
For more than two decades, Revlon portrayed itself to PETA and to millions of consumers as a company whose products were not tested on animals. During all this time, Revlon enjoyed and benefited from PETA’s support and our promotion of Revlon products to women around the world. Revlon betrayed that trust. In 2012, PETA found that Revlon has been selling its products in China, where tests on animals are required for cosmetics. When we questioned the company about this, Revlon repeatedly refused to answer our questions about whether it has been secretly paying for tests on animals. Your commitment to profit is obvious. Your commitment to consumers who care about cruelty-free products has been revealed as a sham. On behalf of PETA and our more than 3 million members and supporters, I ask Revlon to end sales in China in order to spare animals who continue to be killed in cruel tests. Will Revlon make this commitment?
After PETA discovered that Revlon was paying for tests on animals, the group purchased just enough Revlon stock to allow attendance at annual meetings. PETA plans to introduce a shareholder’s resolution next year, after the group has held the stock for a year.
To learn more about companies that refuse to answer PETA’s questions or that mislead consumers, please click here. As you’ll see, Revlon has top billing.
The 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Revlon, Inc., will be held at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, June 6, 2013, at the Revlon Research Center at 2121 Route 27, Edison, NJ 08818.
Interesting! I’ll be following the story to see how it goes!
Revlon will need to donate all the secret profit and commit to change in order to redeem themselves. However it is clear that they don’t value opinion and perhaps have other secrets in terms of manufacturing or safety.
Good!! Please keep us posted. I was shocked when I saw that Revlon & Almay were no longer on PETA’s Cruelty Free list. 🙁
Thank you for this information! I had no idea this was going on. I hope Revlon has to stand up and answer for their shady/unethical behavior.
Interesting! I’ll also be following the story to see how it goes!