When I was in college, my mom and sister gave me a brow intervention. They had me trapped in a moving vehicle (dad was driving) and told me my brows were too thin and I needed help. I was just as defensive as any other plucking junkie would have been, but then I saw the light. Looking back at photos from that time – yikes! Sometimes you need to see yourself in photos to really know how your brows look. You see your reverse image in the mirror all the time, but how often do you see yourself the way others see you?
Well, here a treat for my New Yorkers. I’m in LA, so I can’t participate, but I wish I could! RAMY, the NYC King of Brows is hosting an “Eyebrow Intervention Day!” on Wednesday, June 17th from 11 am – 7 pm at three NYC Duane Reade LOOK Boutique Ramy Brow Bars. Call to make an appointment – first come, first served! If you go, let me know how your brows look afterward!
Eighth Avenue Between 16th & 17th Streets
Phone: (212) 929-0650
1350 Broadway at 35th Street
Phone: (212) 695-6346
51 West 51st Street at 6th Avenue
Phone: (212) 582-8525
<span class="topsy_trackback_comment"><span class="topsy_twitter_username"><span class="topsy_trackback_content">Do You Need a Brow Intervention? http://goo.gl/fb/mTAku</span></span>
<span class="topsy_trackback_comment"><span class="topsy_twitter_username"><span class="topsy_trackback_content">Do You Need a Brow Intervention? http://bit.ly/bTzXgd</span></span>
<span class="topsy_trackback_comment"><span class="topsy_twitter_username"><span class="topsy_trackback_content">RT @MyBeautyBunny Do You Need a Brow Intervention? http://ow.ly/1qylLK</span></span>
Thanks for sharing, Jen! I wish I could get to the city that day: though my brows are much better than they've been in years, they could still stand an intervention! 😛
<span class="topsy_trackback_comment"><span class="topsy_twitter_username"><span class="topsy_trackback_content">Cruelty-free Beauty! Do You Need a Brow Intervention? – When I was in college, my mom and sister gave me a brow int… http://ow.ly/17uXCM</span></span>
<span class="topsy_trackback_comment"><span class="topsy_twitter_username"><span class="topsy_trackback_content">Cruelty-free Beauty! Do You Need a Brow Intervention? – When I was in college, my mom and sister gave me a brow int… http://ow.ly/17uXCL</span></span>