Just because you believe in a vegan or all-natural lifestyle doesn’t mean you need to let nature run wild. There’s no reason you should have to put up with unwanted hair. Sure, many of the hair removal products on the market aren’t really designed with vegans in mind, but there are options.
Let’s take a look at a few of the all-natural, vegan hair removal options available:
- Plucking. It hurts like heck and takes forever. It’s great for eyebrows, but not for the bikini area or most other body hair.
- Sugaring. This is an older hair-removal method, and the precursor to modern waxing. You create a mixture of sugar, molasses, and lemon. Depending on your position, the mixture may work best with honey, as well. (Many vegans, of course, choose not to use honey products, and so that may be an issue.)
- Waxing. Waxing is a little bit tougher prospect. You can make the “wax” solution at home using cruelty-free sugar, water, and lemon juice. The waxing strips can be a little bit trickier. Make sure to pick a cruelty-free brand of waxing strip. In a pinch, you can simply use cloth. The only one suffering if you do it this way is you.
- Turmeric paste. Indians use a mixture of turmeric, flour, and yogurt. There’s no reason you couldn’t use soy yogurt for your mixture. You allow the pasted to dry on the skin, and then should be able to scrub it off, watching the hair go with it.
- Bleaching. Believe it or not, there are some vegan and cruelty-free hair bleach kits. There’s no reason you couldn’t use one of these. It doesn’t remove the hair, of course, but it does hide it.
- Commercial vegan hair removal products. There are some products on the market (Moom comes to mind) that you might find useful. Often, they rely on some cruelty-free waxing mixture, similar to what you can make at home. They also usually contain cruelty-free fabric strips, as well.
Today more than ever, vegans have options when it comes to things like hair removal and beauty products. Ironically, many of the solutions are ones that have been used for centuries, and have only recently been replaced by more violent methods. Give some of these a try, and see what works best for you.
Maria Bastet is a hair removal enthusiast who spends her free time blogging about the most effective and cost effective hair removal methods. You can find more of her articles located at HairRemoval.org.
You can also try No!No! Home Laser Hair Removal. I have used for years and it works on all hair colors types and all skin types and colors.
It uses light and heat to destroy the hair follicle and over time (about 6 to 18 weeks) you WILL SEE HAIR REDUCTION!
Love MINE!!!
I second that. no!no! is a great alternative. It’s totally pain-free and safe. The above-mentioned hair removal methods, although might be painful, are effective and very Vegan-friendly too. It all boils down to preference.